Allocation Reporting-Area

Allocation Reporting-Area


There are four reports for area allocations and two of the reports have two different versions:

Print Transaction Log, Print Allocations (Original), Print allocations (IRW), Print Allocations Variances,Print Wine Available for Location, Print Wine Available (Version 2)

Print Transaction Log

The print transaction log report will search for transactions by date range, product type, part numbers or allocation codes.  The date range is the only field required on the report, so if looking for any transaction during a date range, run the report wide open.  If looking for transactions by specific product types, part numbers and/or allocations narrow the search selection appropriately.  This report only comes in one format, the user does not have the ability to choose the format data reported.

Print Allocations (Original)

To print all area allocations do not fill out the first three rows of the report, Product Types, Part numbers, and Allocations.  If necessary to narrow down the report to select data, fill out the first three rows appropriately.  On this report, the user can sort how the parts are displayed on the report, if left blank the parts will be sorted alphabetically.  The user will need to specify what will be printed out on the report on the bottom half of the report.

If not sure what fields need to be filled in, hit enter to validate the fields.  The system will put the cursor in the empty field and display a message that the required fields must be filled in.

Print Allocations (IRW)

This report allows the user a lot more flexibility on the formatting and data selection of the report.  In the original allocations report, the user can only narrow down the report by Product type, part numbers or allocation codes.  In this report, the user can choose from many fields to select the data.

To see all of the different fields you can choose from, click anywhere in the select field and a glyph on the right side of the field will appear so that you can access the wizard.  When the wizard box pops up, select the box next to the fields column and all of the available select fields for the report will be listed.

The sort field tells the system what order to display the fields selected by the user.  Unlike the Select field, the Sort field which tells the system what data to display is a required field; the fields selected in the sort field will display in rows.  Choose what information will be displayed in columns, the more information displayed, the smaller the print on the report.

Columns to Print:

Release date (parts)- This field will report data from the release date field on the part master

Original Allocation-  The allocation entered in either the Building Allocations from Sales History or Enter Original Allotments menu

Adjustments- Includes allocation adjustments and transfers. 

Total Adjusted- Original allocations plus and/or minus allocation adjustments.

Sold-Total sold from OE and PS module

OE on order- On order from OE module

PS on order- On order from PS module

Total on order-OE on order plus PS on order

Unused Allocation- Total adjusted allocation minus sold and total on order

Variance-The difference between the original allocation and the used allocation (sold and on order)

% Done or Remain- % of total adjusted allocation used or % of total adjusted allocation remaining.

Print Allocation Variances

This report displays the difference between the physical inventory of a part and the allocation available for an area.  This report can be run wide open with no selection criteria or product types and up to 6 part numbers can be chosen.  It's a very simple report that prints in 5 columns, formatting cannot be altered.  The physical inventory displayed on the report is the total for all locations, locations cannot be specified and will not be displayed on the report.

Print Wine available for Location

The purpose of this report is to see the amount of inventory available and the amount that will potentially need to be transferred to fulfill allocations.  On the report request screen, the only required information are the location and allocation code(s). This report will show combined totals of the part allocation and location inventory, it does not break out the allocations for the individual areas and it does not break out inventory for each location.  The report column Available in Warehouse does not mean that there is actually inventory available, the system is assuming that the wine is available somewhere and is using the warehouse for wherever the wine is stored.  The number is being calculated by subtracting the total on hand from the location(s) chosen on the report request screen from the available allocation of the allocation(s) codes selected on the request screen.

Print Wine available (Version 2)

This report allows the user to see the totals for allocations and inventory broken out but the user is limited to 2 columns for the available allocation and two columns for the location.  A good way to use this report would be to combine all of the allocation codes that come out of one location into each column.  For example, the DC, TR, and WB allocations are relieved from the TR location and the 00, 01, 02 are relieved from the WT location. The report will now display how much inventory is in the TR and whether there is enough to fulfill the DC, TR, and WB allocations and the same goes for the WT location and the allocation codes 00, 01, 02.  This report can also be narrowed down to specify specific customers for each allocation code. 

Like the older version of this report, the Available in Warehouse is a generic name for the location of the assumed inventory.  The number is being calculated by subtracting the total on hand from the location(s) chosen on the report request screen from the available allocation of the allocation(s) codes selected on the request screen.








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