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The AMS client is software which is installed on your workstation so that you may access the AMS Winery application on an AMS server.  The AMS client is able to connect to an AMS server at your place of business or to an AMS in the cloud.Functions from within a customer record include editing customer information, adding contacts, maintaining notes, adding and editing orders, sending emails and invoices, and maintaining address book.

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Functions from within a customer record include editing customer information, adding contacts, adding orders, sending emails and invoices, etc. 

On the customer snapshot screen, the information on the grid defaults to every activity.  To see specific information and change your view, select a radial button, i.e. Product sales to see the quantity and amount of the products the customer has purchased.


Since the customer also changed their address when they called in, I will create another contact for the changed address.

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The contact now appears in the customer snapshot.  Note that the DID NOT GET SHIPMENT contact has a (MORE) in the Status/Comment column, this is to let the clerk know that there are notes for this contact.

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To View or edit the contact detail, double click on the contact or highlight it and select the View selected Contact or Edit selected Contact

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Maintain Notes

Maintain notes is a place to add notes in free form to a customer, it is not searchable through Customer Management (CRM).  Though you can run the Print customer master report (PSCUM.PCM) to see the notes on a customer record.  The tasting room clerk can see the notes added here if they are looking up a customer in Cash Register (TCH).

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Customer look up in Cash Register (TCH)

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Print Customer Master Report to print out comments on Page 1 of the customer record (Customer Maintenance (Page 1) or the Notes on a customer record. On the sort statement, the Comments is for the Page 1 comments on the customer record and the MORECOMMENTS is for the notes on a customer record.  For more information on running reports in AMS, see DTC Reporting.Image Removed

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Maintain Shipping Addresses

To add shipping addresses to a customer profile, select Maintain Ship-to information.  This will not change the shipping address on the customer record, it only adds addresses.

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On the screen below you can delete ship to address, add new ones by cloning the customer billing address or shipping address, clone or edit the highlighted address or add a new address from scratch.  The idea behind cloning addresses is that the names or city, state might be the same for the new address you are creating and only the street address needs to change so it's less data entry

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If necessary to edit an order for a customer, double click on the order or highlight the order and select Edit orders for this customer.  This will take you in to the Cash Register (TCH) menu to edit the order. 

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Internet Credentials

This is where the username and password is stored for a customer when using the AMS web cart.  Usernames and passwords can be generated for new customers in mass, see Initialize Internet Usernames or they can be added or modified individually through the customer record.

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Send an Email to customer


This button is for any ship to address that have been added to the customer record.  A ship to address can be added to the customer record through the Maintain ship to information button, the Cash Register (TCH) menu, and the Wine club page when overriding  the shipping address for a wine club shipment, see Adding a Temporary Ship to Address for a Club Shipment.

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Notice, two of the ship to addresses have the same address but different shipping codes.  One address is for ground shipping to the 4415 Sonoma Hwy address and the other address is a will call.  So if the customer calls in to place an order and intends to pick up the wine at the winery, when creating an order for it is easy to see the appropriate Ship to address to choose.  When the Will Call address is chosen, the WC shipping code will populate in the order so that the order is not shipped and the customer is not charged for shipping.  The description is entered by the user so your company might have a naming convention for the Ship to descriptions.  If Cloning the billing or shipping address and making modificaitons to it, the description from the address cloned will also clone, be sure to change the description so that multiple ship to addresses do not have the same description.


The customer summary gives the user/tasting room clerk a snapshot of the customer's pertinent information ie. contact information, customer notes, sales totals, products purchased, wine club history, and important contacts.  Important contacts are all inbound contacts  or outbound via phone

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This screen is also available in Cash Register (TCH) when the Bill to Customer is selected.

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