Entering Cash Receipts (ARTPM.ECR)

Entering Cash Receipts (ARTPM.ECR)


This document will go over how to enter all cash received by the company (Retail cash is the only exception and is not entered here). Cash receipts are entered via batch processing, with a batch date. Multiple checks can be entered within one batch. Cash Receipts are also the most forgiving in AMS, if the period is still open you can reopen batches to make corrections if needed.

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Central Table References

Where Is It Found

Batch Change/Creation Screen


A = Add a batch

H = Change a batch Header data

D = Change batch Detail data

T = Show batch Totals

R = Review a batch

Batch ID: Enter a batch ID. AMS Suggests YYMMDD for the batch id format. This will allow you to search batches much easier when you have been entering them for a few years. Rather than having to look through all of a single month for multiple years if using format MMDDYY, you will be able to go straight to the year and then find the month and day using YYMMDD.

NOTE: If you need to look up a batch use a single question mark in the batch id range and hit enter to pull up the batch grid.

Batch Header- Search for Batch Screen

The batch header search screen holds the header and total information for that batch. You can also search for batches that have had a clean edit list, and still need a clean edit list and closed batches.

Batch Header Screen

Batch date: This is the actual date that the deposit will hit the books. For Example, if you are entering invoices in February that are from January and would like the January invoices to hit the books in January then do a separate batch for just January invoices and make sure that the batch date on this screen is in January.

Total Amount of Deposit: Enter the total amount of all checks that will be in this batch (usually it is easiest to use the ten-keyidk  to calculate the total prior to starting the batch).

Bank Account: This can be set up to automatically populate in Central Table ZZZ ARCASHBANK. If you have multiple bank accounts the codes can be set up in the Central Table ARC.

When the batch header screen is complete, press enter to get to the Cash Entry Screen and start adding your checks to the batch.

Check Entry Screen 1

CK/REF#: Enter the first check number for that batch

CK Amt: Enter the check amount

Hit enter and you will be taken to the INV# field automatically.

Inv# or GL: After hitting enter when you input the check amount this is the first field required. Fill in the invoice number (you do not need all the zeros) and then hit enter. The amount applied, code, and customer box will fill in automatically with the information from the invoice.

Codes and Descriptions

This field will pre-populate with PF (Paid in Full) if you are applying a check for the full amount of the invoice. If you are not applying the full amount or are applying an amount to the GL it will require you to choose a code. The available codes are shown in the screenshot below, a few of these codes will be gone over in a sample transaction later in this document.

BD - Bad Debt: This code should be used when writing off un-collectible receives. (This will post to the General Ledger account specified in the Central Table - ACT, ARBADD)

GL- Direct to General Ledger: An amount can be applied directly to the GL with this code. It requires a GL account number and description, along with the amount. You can split a check-up into multiple GL accounts as well.

NOTE: If you do not know the GL account you can use a single ? to look up the GL number in the INV# or GL field.

OS - Over or Short: This code can be used when a customer underpays or overpays the invoice by a minimal amount. This is a quick convenient way to write off small variances. This code must be used first to either increase or decrease the invoice balance. Then you can enter the invoice number a second time and use code PP.

NOTE: An Over/Short will automatically post to the specified GL account in the Central Table - ACT, AROVSRT

PF - Payment, FULL Amount: This code is automatically populated when paying an invoice in full.

PP - Partial Payment: This code should be used if you are applying partial payment to an invoice. When you are making a final payment on an invoice that already has a PP entered, this final receipt will also be a PP, even though the invoice is not Paid in Full.

RF - Reversal, FULL Amount: This code should be used when the need to reverse a previous full payment arises. This would be used when a check that has been posted to a customer's account is returned to you for insufficient funds. You would need to re-open the invoice to show it on the aging as due again. This will reduce your batch total by the amount of the check that is being reversed. Key in the check number, then the amount as a negative number, and press enter. Enter RF in the code field and the invoice number.

RP - Reversal of Partial Payment: This code should be used if you are trying to reverse only part of a payment. Follow the same steps as RF using code RP.


The reversal codes would also be used if a payment was posted to the wrong customer in a prior closed month. When reversing for this reason and then reposting to the correct customer the impact on your batch total will be $0.00. To post to the correct customer you will reverse the amount posted to the incorrect customer per code RF instructions above. Then put the check number and correct invoice number to post to the correct customer.

SU - Create Suspense Item: This can be used when you receive money that has no invoice or GL account to apply to. It will show as a credit in the AR aging when the amount is suspended. It will show in the customer's account as a suspended amount that can later be applied to an invoice.

TR - Transfer: This code is used when applying a credit memo or a credit balance, or suspense item to a debit memo or invoice. The check amount will be $0.00 if no cash is involved (i.e. applying a credit to fully pay an invoice). In the invoice# field enter the credit or suspense number first, when you press enter the amount in the top left-hand corner will now show an amount to be applied to invoice(s). After all of the credit or suspense items have been applied hit enter to save the check information and if you have more items to enter continue entering your check and invoice information. When you are finished select done and review the totals screen.

Cash Receipts Total Screen

If the difference is $0.00 then you can close your batch. If not you will need to go back in and check the header total to make sure it is correct. If the header is correct, go back in and review each check amount to find the error. If the header is not correct, go back to the header and correct it. You will need to check the totals again to be sure the difference is $0.00 and then close your batch.

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