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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sit amet mi urna. Aenean dictum, lacus non laoreet dignissim, velit nulla porttitor ligula, ut bibendum tortor lorem vitae arcu. Nulla dictum rhoncus velit sed volutpat. Fusce nisi nisl, aliquet in bibendum mattis, eleifend quis dui. Phasellus sodales magna tellus, quis posuere erat posuere at. Praesent blandit eleifend pellentesque. Pellentesque gravida turpis nunc, in ornare nulla congue in. Etiam et ultrices est. Curabitur diam neque, cursus eget dui nec, lobortis pellentesque justo. Aenean et felis euismod, ultrices massa quis, vulputate dui. Praesent eu aliquam nunc. Phasellus rutrum varius volutpat. Maecenas in metus pellentesque, lacinia neque eget, tristique lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. This setting allows clerks to assign a table number to orders as well as keeping the orders open in the touchscreen so that they can be edited before it is tendered for payment. Customers may add items to their order or "tab" as in a restaurant or bar, and have one bill at the end of their experience. See TAB MODE Config Options: PSTABCTL for further details concerning user-defined settings that control printing, a pre-authorization percentage amount, and suppression of tip lines on output. Registers in Tab mode have the option to load a graphic representing your floor plan so it displays on the touchscreen for ease of reference. Image Added
After a clerk logs into the touchscreen, they will be prompted to assign a table number or ID. Table ID's are user-defined and may be up to four alphanumeric characters in length. The system will accept any four characters entered. This can be helpful when a winery has multiple tasting areas for example, and an alpha prefix is used to identify numbered tables in these areas. For example, P01 and P02 where "P" might mean tables 1 and 2 on the Patio. OrT01 and T02 where "T" could mean tables 1 and 2 on the Terrace. Once a table ID is entered, choose [Accept] and add products to the order as usual. When complete, choose [Tender Accept/Suspend] ... Image Added
... then select [Suspend Tab] to print a pre-receipt and keep the tab open. Image Added
The order is suspended as shown below. Note how Clerk ID appears in parenthesis after the table number for ease of reference. Clerks may now go back into the order as many times as necessary to make changes to the order for that tab or table. Image Added
Add items to order and either suspend tab again, close the tab, or tender for payment. In the example below, more items were added and the order was closed. Image Added
Below, payment is being processed using the Credit Card on file. If not using tips/gratuity, a payment card will only need to be sent for approval once. Image Added
If using tips in tab mode however, a payment card will send for authorization twice. The first time for pre-authorization of the tab amount and a second for the amount plus any applicable tip. After pre-authorization, the system prints out a charge receipt with a tip/gratuity line for the customer to sign. If any, clerks will need to enter the tip amount into the pre-auth'ed transaction before being sent for post-authorization as shown below. To further control tip collection and printed receipt output, see PSTABCTL.
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