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or lorem vitae arcu. Nulla dictum rhoncus velit sed volutpat. Fusce nisi nisl, aliquet in bibendum mattis, eleifend quis dui. Phasellus sodales magna tellus, quis posuere erat posuere at. Praesent blandit eleifend pellentesque. Pellentesque gravida turpis nunc, in ornare nulla congue in. Etiam et ultrices est. Curabitur diam neque, cursus eget dui nec, lobortis pellentesque justo. Aenean et felis euismod, ultrices massa quis, vulputate dui. Praesent eu aliquam nunc. Phasellus rutrum varius volutpat. Maecenas in metus pellentesque, lacinia neque eget, tristique lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.If you are adding a register you will want to start with entering a room and a register. You should have rooms already set up, but it you need to add one this can be done in the central table TRM, please follow this link Tasting Room Master (TRM). If you are adding a register just enter a number or letter that you are not already using. You will need to add a description, like our room 1, register $ is described as Wine Club Register. If you are editing you will need to choose the register that you would like to edit. You can use the drop down menu to help choose.
The next option is to choose a terminal number and type. No two registers will have the same terminal number. It is a three digit number that must be unique within your company and it is used to identify the register. The number can be arbitrary as long as it is unique, but users tend to assign them based on the tasting room number and register number. For example, tasting room 1 register 3 would get terminal number 103. Tasting room 2 register 1 would get terminal number 201. The typ