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Wine clubs are maintained on the wine club page of each customer record. There are two codes that

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Two codes determine what wine club a customer is in, Wine Club (TWC) and Wine Preference (TWP). The combination of these two codes will determine what wine club package a customer receives when each wine club run is built. 

Select what wine club the customer is in using the available drop down box or if you know the codes you can key in the Wine Club code. 

titleReferenced Pages
Outgoing links
titleRelated Pages
Incoming links
titleCentral Table References
Outgoing links

Central Tables

  • TWC
  • TWP
  • UDC
  • TWT
  • PSC
  • PCS



Select the start date for the wine club membership by keying in the date or by using the drop down calendar. You can also use the date shortcuts found at the end of this document date hot keys in nearly all date fields

Select the appropriate wine prefence for the new wine club member. Ordinarily a preference of default seelction refers to both red and white wine. This is a standard setup, however as codes are user defined in AMS your codes may be slightly different then the example

If the membership is being given as a gift the customer that is giving the gift must have been previously setup in the system as a customer.

The gift recipient then receives their own customer number and on their customer record you will attach the wine club information.

In the gift memberhsip membership bill to field you will key in the gift givers customer number or use the drop down to search for the gift giver. 

Double click on the appropriate customer to select them. The gift receipeitns receipients wine club will now be billed to the select gift givers customer record and card on the gift givers file. 

User defined codes are ordinarily used to track the clerk or sales rep who signed that customer up for the wine club, to track signups for commissions. Each clerk needs to be setup with a code in the User Defined (UDC) code table to use this feature. If using this feature select from your drop down list the appropriate clerk for that signup.