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If you are adding a register you will want to start with entering a room and a register. You should have rooms already set up, but it you need to add one this can be done in the central table TRM, please follow this link Tasting Room Master (TRM). If you are adding a register just enter a number or letter that you are not already using. You will need to add a description, like our room 1, register $ is described as Wine Club Register. If you are are editing you will need to choose the register that you would like to edit. You can use the drop down menu to help choose.
Cash drawer type tells the system if there is a cash drawer connected to this register and if so, is it connected through your receipt printer or routed through the serial cable. If this is the wine club register, a back office register, internet register, etc., most like likely you will not have a cash drawer, because you will not be taking cash. The cash drawer is necessary in the tasting room or at any register where your customers are going to be able to pay with cash.
The next field that you will need to know about is the Show receipt email option. If this option is set to Y, after an order has been tendered in the touchstone touchscreen of the corresponding register the Email/Print Selection Screen will pop up.
If the there is not customer linked to the order the screen will look like the one below.
If there is a Bill to customer on the order it will be filled in for you.
When an order is attached to default customer records, the email receipt option screen appears blank as shown below:
Otherwise, if attached to an established Bill-To customer, the system brings forward available fields of data and fills the email option screen as shown below:.
To learn more about the touchscreen itself, you can follow this link: Cash Register (TCH).
The Force clerk validation option, tells the system whether you would like the clerk to log in after every completed transaction. If you multiple clerks working from one register share a single register, this feature helps you track what clerk rang through what order. If you have a register that is typically only used by one clerk, forcing the clerk to log back in after every transaction would be unnecessary.
The timeout If Force clerk validation is not used (i.e., set to N), the Timeout seconds option tells the system how many seconds tjne clerk is allowed to stay in the touchscreen, with no activity. If this is long to wait before automatically logging a clerk out of the touchscreen for inactivity. If set to 0, the clerk can function is disabled; clerks may remain in the touchscreen with no activity for as long as they want. If it is set to 10 the system will log out that clerk after 10 seconds of inactivity. This option can be up to 9999. If you have the clerk validation set to N, the timeout seconds are of no consequence. indefinitely.
The order review timeout seconds, tells the system how long the clerk has review the order after it has been tendered. If it is set to 0, there will be no time to review the order. The next option is to choose whether this register will be in batch mode or not. Batch mode is for registers that you don't cash in or out. This mode also allows the clerk to accept order that have yet to be tendered i.e. they have no tender line. Your back office registers, like your club resister register and your internet register should be in batch mode. As for your tasting room registers, these registers should not be in batch mode; you will want these registers cashed in and out at the beginning and end of each day.