The register master file is where you will add and edit registers. This master file tells the system how you would like your register to behave. It is here where you are going to ask questions like will this be a register that takes cash, or what do want the default tender type to be. The master file is located in the Sales module (SLS), under tasting room and consumer sales (PS,) and then other file maintenance (PSFMM). The menu option is MRM; start by double clicking this option. You will see the screen below.
CC Verify Mode:
- S- swipe
- O- back office, processed as entered
- M- only manually processed- no swipe button
- B- batches for $ register
- A- auto verified- no card actually charged. For practice and fixit register.
Default transaction type- This an optional field. When filled in, the register will default to the transaction type so that clerks do not have to manually choose a transaction code when entering Touchscreen (TCH). Default Contra trans type- Allow editing of line items- It is recommended that registers live with cash should say no and back office registers should say yes. Even if the clerk has permission to edit orders in the Maintain Clerk Master File, the register master will override this. Allocations Check- This looks at wholesale or OE allocations to see if the part a clerk is ringing up is allocated to the OE customer on the Tasting Room Transaction Code (TTX) or the OE customer on the Customer Maintenance (Page 2). If the customer that is being rung up by the clerk has an OE number on page 2 of their customer record, this will override the OE customer on the Tasting Room Transaction Code (TTX). The options for the allocations check is to stop, warn or do nothing if allocations are not available for the OE customer. Show cust tender info- This will just show the Tender type, last 4 digits of the credit card and expiration date on the Use Card on File button. Print on act receipt- If the clerk gives a customer products for an on account order or enters in the on account transaction, this gives the clerk the option to print out a receipt if Yes is selected in this field Default browse method for browse sales- Order first or register number first- AVS and CVV2- Touchscreen button code |