This setting allows the clerk to assign table numbers to the orders, as well as keeping them open in the touchscreen so that they can be edited i.e. the customer can add to the order before it is closed out. After the clerk logs in they will be prompted to assign a table, the table number is not defined in AMS, the system will accept any number the clerk puts in. Here you can see that you are able to suspend the order.Once the table is entered, add products to the order. Once the first order for the cusotmer has been entered, select Tender Accept/Suspend Image Added Select Suspend Tab to print out receipt and keep the tab open
Now the clerk can go back into that table and make changes when the customer wants to add more to the tab or cash out. Image Removed There is also an option to enter a tip at the end of the transaction. The last option is the P for Tip mode. You do not have table numbers, but you can suspend the orders (you need to go in to Browse orders to find them). Image Removed Image RemovedImage Added Add items to order and either suspend tab again or tender and close the tab. In the example below, more items were added and the order was closed. Image Added If using tips with your tab mode, using a credit card will send it for pre-authorization so that a receipt will print out with a tip line, the customer can add a tip, and the card can be sent for post authorization. If not using tips, the card will only need to be sent for approval one time. Image Added