Content for Page HereImage Removed Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sit amet mi urna. Aenean dictum, lacus non laoreet dignissim, velit nulla porttitor ligula, ut bibendum tortor lorem vitae arcu. Nulla dictum rhoncus velit sed volutpat. Fusce nisi nisl, aliquet in bibendum mattis, eleifend quis dui. Phasellus sodales magna tellus, quis posuere erat posuere at. Praesent blandit eleifend pellentesque. Pellentesque gravida turpis nunc, in ornare nulla congue in. Etiam et ultrices est. Curabitur diam neque, cursus eget dui nec, lobortis pellentesque justo. Aenean et felis euismod, ultrices massa quis, vulputate dui. Praesent eu aliquam nunc. Phasellus rutrum varius volutpat. Maecenas in metus pellentesque, lacinia neque eget, tristique lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.AMS allows you to set up the use of Tips Room by Room and Register by Register. This is used at the time of Tender and allows it prints a line on the receipt for the customer to write in the tip amount and then the clerk keys that into the register. To change the operation to register mode, go to the register master maintenance, menu option PSFMM>MRM. When using a register in tip mode, a tip tender must be mapped to a specific General Ledger account, see Maintain Tender Type to GL Account Xref for information on mapping tender types. Image Added With the register mod sent to Tip, the operation will be the same as Register mode except when it comes to tendering the order. Once the clerk creates the order in the register and goes to tender the order, the credit card will be sent for a pre-authorization. If the card is approved, a receipt will print out with a tip line on it. Image Added Now the tip can be entered if needed and the card can be sent for Post Auth. Image Added If necessary, the clerk can suspend the order so that the register can be freed up while the customer is leaving a tip and signing the receipt. To do this, click on the Suspend Sale button shown above. Then when the register is free to finalize the sale, go back into the register as if an order is going to be added and select Browse orders. Image Added