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This is where you can see that your formating is correct.formatting is correct. Make sure that the correct column number corresponds with the data that is in that column i.e. column 1 is contains the order number, and is numbered column 01 in the imported file format box labeled titled Order#.
If the format is correct you will select Format Is Correct (F1).
This will generate a report that will giver you information regarding the import. It will give details about each order and whether or not it was successful. If an order was not uploaded it or it was not shipped this report will show errors like the ones below.
Some errors are more descriptive; they tell you exactly why the order's tracking information was not uploaded (the order has already been uploaded, already exists). If an order is omitted you will see why when you close the report.
Here is the order that was omitted and you can see the it can't be shipped. If you want to know why most likely you will see why by doubloe clicking the order. For this particular order you will see that that there is still an amount due and that is why the system won't and shouldn't ship it.