(1) The file path and filename of the CUBE using the file extension .YAC. In this example, C:\Ams\Ams Client\Users\Ernie\THOR2012\DEMOCART\InBox\D538965–A.YAC. When you close the Cube, the system gives you options to save or delete this file. Saving the YAC cube file in any manner enables you to reopen the Cube quickly without having to resubmit your screen request.
(2) CUBE Viewer Toolbar used to make a spreadsheet, send data to Excel, view a report, etc. Hover your mouse over each control to display its tooltip description. (3) Dimension Bar containing your requested Cube dimensions, displayed as moveable data objects. It is the parking place for dimensions that we don’t want to be displayed as a row or column just now. (4) The Column Dimension Bar. Drag a dimension into this area to define the dimension as a column. (5) Row Dimension Bar. Drag a dimension into this area to define the dimension as a row. (Note, the word Rows shown in the image does not actually appear in the Cube viewer and is for purposes of this documentation only.) (6) Default Measures, as defined, and turned off and on by the Measure Manager. Default measures will differ, depending upon the AMS module in which it is defined. |
Functional areas of the Cube viewer
By default, three measures appear in our example Wholesale Orders Cube.
Default measures will vary between different cubes, depending upon the AMS module in which they are defined. |
Checkmarks - Green or Red