Updating PS Allocations


This feature is to update open allocations for existing allocated parts.  This is a way to reset your allocations for a part. For example, if you want to spread 6 additional bottles to each customer on top of what they have already purchased you would update their allocations by following these steps.

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Feature Overview & Examples Select the part you are going to work with

Select the part you are going to work with by double clicking on the part or highlighting and selecting Search Now in the Maintain allocations menu, PSALM.ALC.

Next check the Allow override in the Allocation Part Control Screen and then select Spread this Allocation to customers.


When you first go into the screen there will be nothing checked in upper right corner of the screen.  This is what the screen will look like, you can view the customers total sales but not the amount of the allocation the customer's have purchased

Check the Part orders box in the upper right corner of your screen, then select Refresh.   You will now be able see the number of units the customers have purchased for that part allocation.

If you double click the Ordered column you can sort by the number purchased.  You will be able to view the customers in order of the quantity they purchased; click once to sort smallest to largest and twice for largest to smallest.

Now, you can enter a new allocation in the Limit allocation increase to field, then select Spread Allocation. You will need to select the Spread Allocation option as many times necessary, so that the number in the New Allocation column equals Ordered plus the New Allocation that you have entered in the Limit allocation increase field. To verify that all the allocations are spread correct check your New allocation column.  At this point, you can continue selecting Spread Allocation until the number in the New Alloc column is correct or cancel out and remove all changes.  If the numbers in the New Alloc column are correct, then select Apply Allocations to save your changes.


If you have multiple parts to update, go back to the top of this page and repeat the steps for the next part.