


The MIV is where the shopping cart categories, parts, wine clubs and any special messages are maintained.  The first screen of the MIV will default to a grid with all active internet parts, as with all AMS grids, this grid has many search options and is exportable to excel by right clicking and selecting export. 

Location of menu option:

Adding New Parts:

Add by Copying Existing part:

To add a part to the shopping cart by copying an existing part, highlight the part you would like to copy and then select Copy to New Web Part.  The advantage of adding a new part by copying is that some of the variables for the 2 different vintages might be the same, so you may only have to make a few changes to the variables instead of having to add all the variable information from scratch.

Next change the part number to the new part number and then select enter.

Make any necessary changes to the new part.  To make changes to any of the variables, either double click on the variable or highlight the variable and select the change button.  Once the box is green, you can make any edits necessary, accept the changes and move to the next variable.

Only the variables that have a check box are currently being used.

Double click and edit:


highlight and select Change:

When adding a picture variable, when you are in edit mode, you will need to select open to prompt for the picture file.

Once you are done with all of the changes, select Accept and then select Update On-line:

Adding a new Part from scratch:

At the top of the MIV grid screen, uncheck Active for Web and check Inactive for Web.

Select the part you want to make active for the web by double clicking on the part.  You will need to fill in all necessary fields below the part number and also add all of the variable text and pictures. To add variable text and pictures, either double click on the variable or highlight the variable and select Change. Once done with all additions, change the status of the part to Active and then Accept the changes and select Update Online.

Maintaining Parts:

Double click on the part you wish to edit or view or select Edit Part Parameters. 

In this example, the part is only in one category, 2_WW (white wines), but each part can be assigned to more than one category.  For example if a web cart has a category for All wines and White wines, this part would probably be assigned to both categories.  The part must be assigned to a category. The option part numbers field can be used for a wine with multiple formats so that when a customer selects this particular part number, there will be a drop down of the different size bottles that are available which the customer can select.  The Option Label is the verbiage above the drop down and the text is what will show up when a customer clicks on the drop down.

The Variables are all the editable sections of the part image and description on the cart.  Single click to view each item and select Next or Prev to scroll through each of the variables.  If an item is double clicked on, the variable is in edit mode, so if next or Prev button is selected the system will give a warning.  For example, if I double click on PRTBIGPIC and hit Next, I will receive this warning:

In this case, I did not want to edit the picture, so I will select No and Cancel to get out of edit mode, then I can continue scrolling through the variables.  Always hit cancel to get out of edit mode without saving and Done or enter on the keyboard to save any edits. To take a variable off the web, unclick the box in the Used column.  To be sure that the right variable is being edited or removed/added from the cart the variable description is there to help easily locate the variable on the cart.

Once in the part maintenance you can scroll through each part using the arrows at the bottom of the screen. 




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