The tasting room defaults is used in conjuction wiht Dynamic Pricing for Retail and Wine Club Customers and with the Event Management System. If using dynamic pricing, this is set up for when a club member quits all clubs and needs to revert back to a default retail customer. Now instead of ending a club membership and then having to go back and change any necessary codes on the customer record such as price type and customer type, the system will do it for you. This only works when dynamic pricing is set up in AMS. It is not necessary to fill in each of the fields on this page, just the one's that need to be changed after a club member quits. If using the reservation system, the system looks to this page for the default Tasting Room Transaction Code (TTX) to use for line items in a reservation order. Typically the system will look to the default TTX code in the Maintain Register Master File (MRM) but since the Event Management System does not use a register, it lives in the Tasting Room defaults menu. 