Content for Page HereImage Removed Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sit amet mi urna. Aenean dictum, lacus non laoreet dignissim, velit nulla porttitor ligula, ut bibendum tortor lorem vitae arcu. Nulla dictum rhoncus velit sed volutpat. Fusce nisi nisl, aliquet in bibendum mattis, eleifend quis dui. Phasellus sodales magna tellus, quis posuere erat posuere at. Praesent blandit eleifend pellentesque. Pellentesque gravida turpis nunc, in ornare nulla congue in. Etiam et ultrices est. Curabitur diam neque, cursus eget dui nec, lobortis pellentesque justo. Aenean et felis euismod, ultrices massa quis, vulputate dui. Praesent eu aliquam nunc. Phasellus rutrum varius volutpat. Maecenas in metus pellentesque, lacinia neque eget, tristique lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.If it is necessary to reset the allocation system for one or more part numbers, there is an option to reset the allocation as of a specific date. Once the original allotment is set, adjustments can always be made to the allocation but if necessary to wipe the slate clean so there are no adjustments on reports then this menu option can be used with caution. Please read the first page on the menu option carefully and contact the helpdesk with ay concerns and questions. After reading the cautionary message, to proceed, type Y in the field underneath Do You Wish to Continue. Image Added Next, choose a starting year for the sales accumulation, select enter, then choose a starting month and select enter. They system will confirm the month and year entered, then it will request the part number to reset. Once you confirm the part # twice, the system will reset the allocations for that part. If there are more part numbers to reset for the same month and year, the system will prompt for the next part number. Warning |
If there are multiple parts that need to be reset with different months and/or years, make sure you start the whole process over for each part with a different month/year. To start the process over you will need to exit out of the screen and re-enter the menu. |
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