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This section will guide you through the step-by-step process to receive your grape or bulk wine into the system by gallons or pounds of grapes. Both methods require a contract to be established, so you can receive your gallons or pounds against them. The contract maintains the details about the gallons or pounds of grapes and this is what builds the composition.
You will need to make some decision in order to receive your initial inventories and/or your bulk purchases. These are both entered using the same method on the Transaction Entry Screen.

Determine the Entry Starting Date

You will need to determine a date that you wish to start entries in the AMS Bulk Inventory – Winemaking system. This date is user defined, and is solely based on your companies needs. Depending on the time of year you purchase the system you may want to enter all of that current years data into the system. For those that are starting later in the year, keep in mind your inventory is typically at its lowest in June or July because you have bottled out everything prior to harvest. The final option is the 1st day of the harvest month. This way you will be able to track your full vintage year in the AMS system.

Physical Inventory

One you have determined your starting date, you will need a Physical Inventory as of the close of business the day before. If starting on the 1st, you will need an inventory as of the month prior 30th or 31st. The inventory will need to be by vessel/barrel group and Blend. If using the Detail Barrel Tracking Module you will also need to know the barrels associated to the barrel group.

Composition of the gallons on the Physical Inventory

The composition of each vessel/barrel group is needed in detail format. See Bulk Contract in this document. You would get this information from your current computerized or manual system. If a Blend is in multiple vessels then you can receive the gallon into the system under one contract and composition breakdown and assign it to the multiple tanks.

Contracts Menu (BICTM)


The contracts menu, pictured below, is broken into two sections titled GRAPES and BULK.
The GRAPES section is used primarily before and during harvest and is explained later in this document. The BULK section is used in two ways, first during system setup when initially loading existing inventory into the BI module and second, whenever bulk wine, juice or must is purchased.
Some or all aspects of establishing contracts may be handled by your accounting department. Work closely with them to discuss who should enter contracts, by what date they must be entered, and what coding system should be used for the contract numbers. It is important to work these details out before harvest or receipt of bulk purchases because contracts are required for these activities.

Step #1 – Bulk Inventory – Winemaking - Bulk Contracts (BICTM.CBC)

The BI module requires bulk contracts to be established for each blend being received. This contract will track the attributes of the must, juice and wine being purchased and received. Contracts are referenced by contract number in receiving transactions. Receiving transactions are used to place the purchased material into one or more tanks.

You will need to be sure the vintage, variety, and vineyards are set up in the (BICDM.CMC) Code Definitions- Create Change Misc Codes before entering the contract below. This should have already been completed in the BI Winemaking Overview and Set-Up document.
When setting up the BI module you will need to establish separate contracts by Blend and then use the Transaction Entry screen to receive the gallons/blend/composition into the vessels/barrel groups.

Contract Year - The Contract year code serves only as a way of segregating contract numbers by year. This allows the same series of contract numbers to be used year after year without conflict. It need not match the vintage of the material being received, it will be the year the contract is being received. To avoid confusion which could result in receiving wine from the wrong contract, be sure all staff members know how this field will be used at your installation. This is a required field.

Select (A)dd, (C)hange, (D)elete, (R)eview depending on what you want to do
in this screen. (A) for adding a new contract.

Contract Number - Although referred to as a number this 6 position field may contain letters also. This is a required field for the bulk contract. It is not likely that a given contract number will be the same year after year because the composition of the gallons being purchased or received typically vary shipment to shipment.

Contract Description – This is a required field that indicates the description of the contract. For initial inventory receiving, this should be the blend description for reference so you can select the contract /blend upon entry of the gallons into the vessels.

Qty Type - Enter M for must, J for juice, W for wine, C for concentrate.

Tax Class – This field is required when qty type is W (wine).

Intended Use - This field is a required field that provides a to way report contracts sorted

according to the wine's expected use. The intended use may be overridden during the

entry of wine making transactions. Select N/A if unknown.

Total qty received - This field is updated automatically as receive transactions are

posted to this contract.


If you do not plan to enter your cost into the system you can press Enter and then Enter again to Add the Contract and skip to Composition Entry on this document.

If using costing continue on with General Information About Cost Fields

  • Use of cost fields is optional
  • You may leave cost fields blank until cost data can be collected from invoices
  • Access to cost fields can be denied on a per-user basis (CTL.CBU)
  • You may enter product costs, hauling charges or dollars per gal/lb but not both on a given contract at the same time
  • Dollars are blended into inventory as receive transactions are entered. This is done on a cost per unit basis. When a receiving transaction is entered (BIITM.EIT), the BI module locates the associated contract to find the cost per unit.
  • If you change dollars on a contract after receiving transactions have been entered, a re-compute (BIITM.IRC) will be required to change current inventory values.

Product Costs, Hauling Charges - These cost fields are not per unit, rather they are totals for this contract. These fields cannot be filled in unless all receiving transactions for this contract have been entered already and a "Y" has been entered in the field titled Enter "Y" if all gals/lbs in.


Once you have made an entry in either of these fields, the field Total cost per gal/lb, described below, will be overwritten with a system computed value.

Total cost per gal/lb - You may make an estimated entry here, if you wish, before final cost figures for the contract are available. After final cost figures are available you may revise this field or enter total cost in the two fields above but you may not do both.


IMPORTANT: After revisions have been made in any of the cost fields on an existing contract for which receiving transactions have been entered, it is necessary to re-compute (BIITM.IRC) from a date on or before the first of the receiving transaction to move the revised costs into current inventory.

Enter "Y" if all gals/lbs in - You may use this field to indicate that no more receiving transactions are expected for this contract.

Composition Entry - After filling in all applicable fields and pressing enter, the system will respond by prompting with the message "Press F1 for Detail or F2 for Summary Composition".

You will make this choice based on the information available to you about the gallons being received. It is recommended to enter your compositions in detail format to allow you more details and options later during blending and tracking.

If you select detail, you must know the percentage composition of the gallons being received by combination of the following: vintage, variety, vineyard, and juice type. This information is frequently not available for bulk purchases unless requested and the seller tracked to this detail.

If you select summary you need only to know the percentage composition for each of the following: vintage, variety, vineyard, and juice type.


Compositions entered in summary form are converted to detail form for reports and inquiry screens when that type of output is requested. The results are not likely to be accurate. You may wish to avoid requesting detail composition for wine that contains a substantial amount of material that was purchased on the bulk market for which detailed composition was unavailable.

Detailed Composition Entry - The screen used for detail composition entry is pictured below. There can be multiple pieces related to this composition which will be input on separate lines and totaled to 100%.

Vintage – Select the Vintage related to the percentage piece you are entering into the system in gallons. These were previously established in the BI Code Definitions (BICDM.CMC).

Variety – Select the Variety related to the percentage piece you are entering into the system in gallons. These were previously established in the BI Code Definitions (BICDM.CMC).

Vineyard/Block - Select the Vineyard or Block related to the percentage piece you are entering into the system in gallons. These were previously established in the BI Code Definitions (BICDM.CMC).

Juice Type – Select the Juice Type related to the percentage piece you are entering into the system in gallons. These were previously established in the BI Code Definitions (BICDM.CMC). Press Enter to Continue, Press Enter again.

Summary Composition Entry - If you do not have the detail composition for the gallons being received, this screen is used to input a summary composition which will be converted to a detail composition as outlined in the overview above.

Juice Type

Code – Select the juice type related to the gallons. If unknown you can select UNKNOWN or FR+P (combination of Free run and Press).

Percent – Enter the percentage of the composition.

Description - The description of the Juice Type loads automatically


Code – select the vintage related to the gallons

Percent – Enter the percentage of the composition.

Description - The description of the Vintage loads automatically

Press Enter to Continue to the Variety Entry Screen below.


Code – select the variety related to the gallons

Percent – Enter the percentage of the composition.

Description - The description of the Variety loads automatically

Press Enter to Continue to the Vineyard Entry Screen below


Code – Select the vineyards related to the gallons

Percent – Enter the percentage of the composition.

Description - The description of the Variety loads automatically

Press Enter to accept the summary entry composition

Press Enter to add contract and the item will be written to the file.

Step #2 – Review your Contract Entries

Now that you have entered all your contracts, you should verify the information so you start out with the correct compositions prior to receiving the gallons to the vessel. The gallons will get their composition from the contracts. With this said, if there is a mistake, not to worry, a correction and recompute can be done to fix the entry even if other entries were input after the fact. Listed below are the different options available in the system to review your entries.

Bulk Contracts (BICTM.CBC)

You can enter the contract year and press Enter. Then enter a (R) for Review, enter, and the system will bring up each of your contracts for that year and you can move through them one at a time using the buttons at the bottom of the screen.

Print Bulk Contracts (BICTM.PBC)

This produces a report listing of all the Bulk Contracts you entered by the year you requested. You will note that the criteria states Contract Vintage (This references the year stated above).

Below is a report sample that will print based on the criteria selected above.

Once you have confirmed everything is correct, you can start to enter your transactions to receive your wines.

You will want to group your vessel/barrel groups by blend, so when entering the receiving entry they will all relate to the contract. You can assign in one entry the gallons going into those vessel/barrel groups.

If not using the detailed barrel tracking module you can only indicate the barrels within that group in the comments area and these will display in different places however, you will not be able to sort on them.

If using the Detailed Barrel Tracking Module, you will also indicate the barrels within the groups at this time, so you can track the barrels and their attributes related to the barrel group.

Step #3 – Bulk Inventory – Winemaking - Enter Inventory (BIITM.EIT)

This screen is used to receive your initial inventory into the tanks/barrel group within the Bulk Wine Inventory system by Date, sequence (usually the time) and Contract.

Transaction Date and Sequence - Each inventory transaction entry begins in the same way, by prompting for the date of the transaction. You will want to use the date the Physical Inventory was taken. It is recommended that this be the last day of the month prior to the starting date of the 1st, so the Initial Receiving gallons show up on the month prior on the 702 Report and are not combined with the real transactions you will enter for your going live month.

If you are receiving gallons from another bond to establish your initial inventories, you will need to enter the date the TTB requested on your winegrowers permit documents.

Next is the sequence number (using a 24 hour clock) enter the time of the receiving in consecutive order with allowing 3-5 minutes between each receiving entry.

The BI module searches for an existing transaction with the same date and sequence number. There should not be an entry since you are starting the system new. If there is one, it will be displayed for review or correction. If there isn't one it will prompt you at the bottom of the page for a new transaction by displaying the message "Transaction not found… Press ENTER again to add a new transaction."
Transaction Information - Next you will be prompted to enter the transaction code (BICDM.CMC Table TRN). If you are unable to recall the correct code, you may type a ?, press enter and select the transaction code from the list or you can press the drop down arrow and select the option from the list displayed.

During the setup of the BI module, when transaction codes were defined (BICDM.CMC Table TRN), each transaction was assigned to a transaction family. The transaction family is what directs the BI module to display the correct set of screens for each transaction. The BI module has 10 transaction families. The following will be used when establishing your initial inventories.

RECV - Receive from Bulk contract.
This screen will now display.

The From will be a Bulk Wine contract The To transaction will be one or more tanks you are receiving into.

Enter the Bulk Contract Vintage in the box to the top left of the screen. This is not the vintage of the wine, however the year the contract was created in.

To the right of that you will enter the Contract number. If you don't know the contract, you can select the gliff/down arrow button and enter your search criteria in the Inquiry screen that displays and then select the contract you are looking for. By double clicking on the line, this will enter the information into the Bulk Contract field on the screen/field above.

Then enter the total gallons received in the BOL Received Quantity Field and press ENTER and the details will load to the right of your screen.

You can only enter one contract at a time. Press ENTER again to advance to the next screen.

This screen will display and it requires you to enter the Receiving Tank information.

Enter the Receiving "TO" Tank/ Grp Number.

Enter the After gallons which would be the volume in the receiving tank. The difference between the gallons received on the previous screen BOL and this screen will show as a loss/gain.

Enter the Blend Code if you do not know your blend code or the defined sections of it, type a "?" and Enter in the field. This will display a list defined at set-up and your can select from it. You will need to do this for each section until you build the full code and the system accepts it.

The bottom of the screen will display the From and To gallons and any Loss or Gain. This example shows a 2 gallon loss.

Press ENTER and a blank screen will display. You can enter another tank number if the total amount was not entered into the first tank. If all gallons have been entered, press ENTER at a blank screen.

The system will then prompt you to press the Save button (F1) to accept the transaction. Press the Save button (F1) again to apply the transaction.

You will need to do this for all of the Blends you are receiving into the tank/barrel groups you have on inventory.

If you receive a message at the bottom of the screen that states "Transaction Add Accepted but Not Applied" this means you need to recompute the system because it was entered out of order. Once the recompute is complete all transactions will be applied.

Step #4 Verify your Receiving Entries

Now that you have entered all of your initial inventory gallons, you will need to verify the tank/barrel group, gallons and blend information for accuracy within the system.
To do this, you can either view it on a status screen or run a hard copy report.

Tank Status Inquiry Screen (BIISM.TSI)

The screen below will display by tank/barrel group. You can sort and work this screen in a multitude of ways.

By Double clicking on the first tank with your mouse the next screen is displayed.

This screen displays in summary format, however you can select criteria that will display many different options to view.

Details – Select the Details Radio button and the screen will show you all the information you will need to verify to check your entries.

Barrels – If using the Detail Barrel Tracking system you will also want to check the barrels associated to the group and you can do this by selecting the Barrels radio button.

Directional Buttons – You can also < or > or << or >> buttons to move from one vessel to another. If you select the > or F6 button you will scroll from one tank/barrel group to the next in consecutive order. In doing this you can check each tank against your physical inventory count sheet that you entered into the system from.

Work with Check – Using this feature on the previous screen allows you to select all the vessels and will display the total number of gallons in the system. You can confirm your gallons at this time.

Bulk Inventory – Winemaking – Status - Inventory Status Report – (BIISM.ISR) – This report gives you all the details that need to be checked against the inventory. However, it displays the top composition summary instead of the detailed composition.

Selection Criteria- The section criteria should match what is indicated above, with the exception of the transaction date, to produce the report needed. You can click on a gliff in the field to see the other options available.

Empty/Full/Both – Always select Both. If you select Empty or Full, this is taken literally and a partial vessel will be left out of the report.

Stream - this will send the report to view on your desktop and then you can print it out if you wish.

This report shows the vessels, quantity, blend, top composition and Barrels in the group if using the Detailed Barrel Tracking Module.

Verify your entries to be sure you did not make any mistakes. Correct whatever is needed and move to the next Step.

Step #5 – Bulk Inventory – Winemaking – Change Period Open Dates (BICDM.CPO)

This screen allows you to control the active dates for the bulk system. The beginning date is how far back in history data can be entered. The ending date is how far in the future data can be entered. The current vintage is used for some of the data entry screens requiring a vintage to be entered. This screen allows you to lock down a time period (Month, year etc.), after you have completed your month. This is not required to operate the winemaking module. It also helps so incorrect month and years are not entered into the system accidentally.

There are multiple ways you can work with this, such as allowing one month open at a time which controls the month prior and the month after. Some only worry about changing the beginning date and leaving the ending date at the end of the year. This is up to you on how you wish to use it.

Beginning date – once you have balanced and completed the month for accounting and compliance reason etc., you can change the beginning date and the system will not allow you to enter a transaction prior to this date.

Ending Date – This field allow for entries to be entered into the system through this date.

Current Vintage –This field allow you to indicate which vintage year you are in so another year is not able to be input accidentally.

Initial Inventory Purpose - If you entered your inventory in the prior month from your "Go Live Date" you will want to verify your bulk inventory and run your 702 report to confirm it is correct and then you can lock it down to allow entry for the next month.
This then will allow all transactions entered into the system starting with your go live date. Anything entered will affect all inventory items and your 702 report for the current month moving forward.

Month to Year Lock Down -This example is locking down the month of May, 2012 and not worrying about entries into the future months within the year.

Month to Month Lock Down -This example is locking down the month of May, 2012 and then allowing you to enter into June only. Since most of the entries are keyed in after the fact and the compliance reporting is not typically done for a couple days into the new month, you will want to leave the Beginning Date of 05/01/12 open until this has been completed and then lock down and change the date to 06/01/12.

Step #6 - Bulk Inventory – Winemaking - Save Codes (BIITM.IRC)

This process takes a snap shot of your system as of a specific date and time. This will allow you to run a Recompute in the system or an "As of Report" at a later date. Reporting in AMS uses the data in the system at the time the report is run. If you want an inventory report "As Of" a specific date, you will need to set your system back to the Save Code date and run your report and then set it back to current.

At start up and at the end of each month it is Highly Recommended to create a "Save Code". You will need to have everyone out of the BI menus and be on the following screen. Click on a blank line in the pink grid to the left. Once you do that, you are able to enter a date in the "Save Status asof date" field. Once the date is entered, you can click on the "Save Current Status" button on the right.

A list of the current saved codes appears on the left hand side of the screen. By clicking at the top of the grid on the "Code", it will sort the information by the save code. If you click at the top of the grid on "Date", it will sort the save codes by date.

Save Codes - A save code gives the system certain dates to keep balances. The date of the save code will keep totals as of 12:01 am of the date defined. If you want to keep balances as of the end of July 2010, then the save code should be set up for 08/01/10. The date of the save codes are attached to a letter code when you are creating them.

Step #7- Bulk Inventory – Winemaking - Grape Contracts (BICTM.CGC)

This is used to enter, correct and view contracts for grapes. A contract is required for each combination of grower, vineyard, variety and vintage. This is true even if the grapes are grown on the winery's own land. There are many options to the right that you can select to help you use this screen for the need you are looking for.

Add Contract – To add a new contract, select the Add Contract Button to the right and this will take you to the next screen where you will enter the details of the new contract.

For more details on using other options on this screen, see the additional document (Winemaking Grape Contract Management).

Grape Contract Maintenance Screen

Contract Code – Enter your 6 character/digit code for your contact. Because you can copy your contracts year-to-year, it is recommended that you not include the vintage in your Contract Code.

Vintage - Select the vintage year of the contract and select your Enter button.

Description – Enter the description of the contract. It is recommended that you not include the vintage in your description so you can copy this contract year-to-year. Select the Enter button.

Master Contract – Select the Master Contract Grower from the drop down list. This would be the vendor or who is going to get paid. You can add a second vendor if you are splitting the payment, select Add and this will take you to a different screen to do that. Otherwise, Select the Enter button to continue with the Vineyard portion of the contract.

Vineyard – Select the Vineyard from the drop down arrow and the Grower, Appellation and District will fill in with information you entered in the vineyard master. Select the Enter button.

Variety – Select the Variety from the drop down that links to this contract.

Clone –. This is an optional field to be used in conjunction with the Ag Management program. If you wish to track Clone within the vineyard, it is recommended that you do so by breaking down the vineyard code for those sections that are the Clone. This way it is tracked in the composition, not just as a notation on the contract as it would be here.

Intended Use – This is an optional field that will indicate a contract or grape with an intended use as it is entered on a weigh tag. This can be changed at anytime.

Contract Type – This is the type of contract you are setting up and is used for the grape crush report and other reporting option options within the system.

Block – This is an optional field to be used in conjunction with the Ag Management program. If you wish to track Block within the vineyard, it is recommended that you do so by breaking down the vineyard code for those sections that are the Block. This way it is tracked in the composition not just as a notation on the contract, as it would be here.

Acres – This is an optional field that can be used to indicate the Acres that the contract represents. It is used for reporting reasons on projection reports and inquiry screens.

Minimum tons – This is an optional field to indicate if you were going to have a penalty for not receiving the minimum amount of tons on a contract.

Brix Range (Min and Max) - This is an optional field optional used for penalty calculations if you plan to use it.

Brix Bonus Range (Min and Max) - This is an optional field optional used for bonus calculations if you plan to use it.

Contract Expires on – This is an optional field used to track your contract expiration dates so you can see what contracts are coming to an end and renegotiate them if desired.

All Tons is AsOf – This is an optional field at the time your you set up your contract, however it becomes required at the time you complete the last load is received for this contract. This will send the information for payment as well as ignore any tons projected but not received for reporting within the system.

Harvest date and Ton's Projected – This is optional, but can help to track projections within the system inquiry and reporting.

Crush Plant – This is an optional field to set the default for the plant this contract will be received at. Select the Save button or Pricing/Payment for the next screen.

Pricing and Payment Screen

Pricing - The type and cost per ton can be entered on the contract. These dollars will follow with the wine tracking to value the juice/wine. If the cost is not known at this time, it can be entered at a later date and a recomputed of the system will be needed to get the cost into the gallons to current. For more details (see page 25-38 of the Winemaking Grape Contract Management Document).

Payments – Scheduled payment dates can be set by days from the last load, a date you enter, or a mix of days and dates. P1, P2, P3, etc. indicate the payment numbers. The system allows for 6 different options. For more details (see page 39-42 of the Winemaking Grape Contract Management Document).

G/L Account – You can indicate the account you wish to record this to. For more details (see page 59-78 of the Winemaking Grape Contract Management Document).

Bonuses/Penalties – You can set up to 3 different Bonuses/Penalties for a contract using this area to establish the type, details and dollar amount. For more details (see page 43-46 of the Winemaking Grape Contract Management Document).

Miscellaneous - Other costs can also be entered after all the tons have been received. These dollars will follow with the wine tracking to be included with the value of the juice/wine. For more details (see page 47 of the Winemaking Grape Contract Management Document).

Fees – You can select fees that apply to the contract and they will be subtracted from the payments if indicated as so. These were previously established in (BICDM.CMC) BI – Winemaking – Create Change Miscellaneous Codes – (HFC) - Harvest Fee Codes. For more details (see page 48-54 of the Winemaking Grape Contract Management Document).

Print Grape Contracts (BICTM.PGC)

This produces a report listing all the contracts for a requested vintage. There are selection options by different aspects of the contracts. The list can be sorted by those aspects as well (Grower, variety, vineyards, etc.)

General Notes On Selecting Data

In the picture above notice that in the mid portion of the screen the first box on each line contains the letter "I". This stands for "Include". The other value this field will accept is the letter "O" for "Omit". The example above shows that contracts for the vintage 99 are being included in the report. If an "O" were used instead, all vintages except 99 would be included. If no vintage codes had been entered above, than the BI module would not make any vintage tests at all in selecting data for the report. If your BI module has accumulated several years of data and you do not place any limits on its retrieval, a very large report may be produced.

All tons in/Not all in/Both

You may use this to select contracts that are: "fully harvested" (all tons in), Not fully harvested (Not all tons in), Either (Both).
Note: The BI module only knows that "all tons are in" if it is told so. Do this by entering a "Y" into the Enter "Y" if all tons are in field on each contract as picking is completed for that contract.

Sort sequence

Use this series of boxes to control the report's sort order. Do this by entering one or more single digit field numbers. Use the legend on the screen to pick the field(s) you want. Each field you select will also add a column to the report.

Print corresponding totals

This report can print subtotals for the tons, pounds and dollars columns. These fields tell the report whether subtotals are desired and which of the sort fields should be tested when producing them. When requested, subtotals are produced when the field value in a sort column changes.

Print Code/Description/Both

These fields tell the report what to print for each sort field you have requested. You may choose to print the field's code, its description or both. Printing only the field's codes takes up less space. Printing the field's description may produce a more meaningful report but will take up more space. Printing both takes up even more space. If the requested report is too wide to fit on a page, the BI module will not print a report. A single page with an error message will be produced instead.

Print report totals

This refers to the grand totals available at the very end of the report. Enter "Y" or "N".

Include dollars

Enter "Y" or "N". You may not have access to dollars. If you request dollars but your system administrator as denied you access to dollars, your request will be ignored.

Include comments

Enter a "Y" to print each contract's comment field, enter an "N" to leave it off the report.


Sample Report shown below

Print Projected Tons (BICTM.PPT)

This report is used to track the progress of crush. The report shows the projected tons entered on contracts, the tons received so far on weigh tags, the difference (referred to on the report as a variance) and remaining tons. The remaining tons column is the same as the variance column except that the value changes to zero when a contract is updated with a "Y" in the Enter "Y" if all tons are in field.

The options available when requesting this report are very similar to those offered on the grape contract report. Refer to information starting on page for assistance with these options.

The report sample below shows a simple listing of contracts. Remember that the sort sequence and totaling options can be changed to produce a wide variety of reports.

Print Grower Contract Crush Report (BICTM.PCC)

This produces a report showing totals by grower of contract. Each grower is on a separate page. Each contract is listed separately showing the weigh tags received for that contract with the applicable tons received and the total dollars due. There is the ability to have the system show the required deductions for AVF, State and PDA.

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